Ephinea-exclusive Mag Colors Suggestion

I'd love to see some accessibility on these for color-challenged people like myself so that we know which have value and which don't. Not sure if I have one so this may or may not be already implemented. If not already implemented, is there any way to have these particular mags have an asterisk in the name or something to denote its rarity?
Uh oh...you said the S word...

I would just check the Wiki which shows the specifies the Ephinea colors.
Yeah I know. Only a matter of time before I get called entitled, told to go play a f2p p2w game, or the suggestion gets compared to something outrageous. I try to compare to the wiki but again, I'm color challenged so that doesn't help much. If there was at least a command to see the hex and compare to wiki I'd be fine. But if I'm the only person here who can't see color well I'm not going to hold my breath.
The Item Reader addon can show you the color. Make sure you set the server in the configuration window.

I know that's not necessarily a direct 'in game' method, but you never were able to see this directly in the game before.
The Item Reader addon can show you the color. Make sure you set the server in the configuration window.

I know that's not necessarily a direct 'in game' method, but you never were able to see this directly in the game before.
This sounds helpful. Thank you. Is there a link/guide on how to get/set up?