Debug/Free Cam

I haven't played in a few months, but last time I played, I didn't have access to a this debug or free cam feature. I don't know if it was added intentionally or not, but it seems pretty cheaty being able to see an entire level's map layout, and a quick overview of the patch notes in the past year hasn't mentioned anything about it.

I use Ctrl + C as one of my action pallete hotkeys when I do decide to play on keyboard, which just so happens to enable/disable this free cam features - so this constantly becoming enabled when I'm trying to do combat, which stops my camera from following me, is incredibly annoying and has gotten me killed or nearly killed more than a few times, or wasted more than enough of my TP with having to press the button combination again to have my camera follow me once more. Is there any way to disable this, or can I change the hotkey for it to be a combination of keys I don't use so it's at least not in the way?