Custom MAGs / Unsealing


I'd be happy to make you some mags, however due to the criteria that Kama needs. There is no way to make Kama with MIND as it's highest stat. And, there is no way to make a Kama that is strictly DEX>POW>MIND.

That being said, these are both possible to make as Tellusis since when it is celled, it loses the requirements to balance the stats to maintain being a Kama.


I would like to order the following mags if possible please:

Mag : Gael Giel
Color : Black
Stats : 5/88/61/46
PB: Twins, Random, Random
Payment: 7PDs
I have the D-Photon Core

Mag : Tellusis
Color : Orange
Stats : 5/161/34/0
PB: Twins, Random, Random
Payment: 6PDs
I have a Dragon Scale

Mag : Nidra
Color : White
Stats : 5/95/100/0
PB: Twins, Random, Random
Payment: 6PDs

Mag : Gael Giel
Color : White
Stats : 5/161/34/0
PB: Twins, Random, Random
Payment: 6PDs
I have the D-Photon Core
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is it possible to only get a level 100 mag from you? :)

I would like the following:

Mag : Bhima
Color : Cyan
Stats : 10/44/6/40
PB: Twins, Random, Random
Payment: 3-4PDs
Mag: Devil Tail
Level: 200
Colour: Purple
Stats: 5/152/43/0
PB: Twins
Payments: 7 PDs

I will supply mag cell