Controller unusable but not in Menu


Hey All

I got a problem with setting up my controller.
I'm using a PS4 controller and any of the different buttonmapper-programs (problem is the same with all ds4, xpadder etc.)
System is Windows 8.1..
Problem is:
I can navigate with the analog stick and do actions with the buttons in the main menue and character choice, but as soon as I get to the window where you choose the ship nothing works, no button or stick at all...
I've messed with all the different settings to try and solve this problem, re install, different controller, the whole deal... now I'm hoping some of you got a solution for me.

Thx in advance
i use Windows 7 so it might be a bit different, but i just transitioned to DS4.

what i actually ended up doing was adding the game into Steam because it has native support for DS4 controllers. that combined with Xpadder for my custom inputs has lead to an issue-free experience for me.
hilariously enough, i did in fact discover that, at least in my case, using Steam at all was not necessary.

my issue was that some errant input would cause me to auto-cycle up through every menu i encountered. i fought my way in to the game's internal "pad button configuration" and reset to default to try to map it again and that solved my issue 100%.

just another thought in case your issue was coming from something similar.