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I am running it on Win 10, as an administrator. Windows Defender has been totally disabled, and the AV has as well, even before downloading the installation files.

The Launcher isn't updating at all and when running the compat it hangs up at the above after logging in.

Please help!

Does the bottom-left of the start screen have "Ephinea v1140" in the bottom corner? If not it might say "DLL ERROR" which means ephinea.dll isn't in the game folder, which is required to play the game.
Does the bottom-left of the start screen have "Ephinea v1140" in the bottom corner? If not it might say "DLL ERROR" which means ephinea.dll isn't in the game folder, which is required to play the game.

So, I downloaded the zip file with all of the installation files. I extracted the files into a folder where PSO is installed and called that folder "Install Files".

Then, I extracted ephinea.dll from the Ephinea Client Zip file to the PSO installation file. A window pops up telling me I need permission to do that. I click OK to give it permission to copy the file. Another window pops up telling me I don't have permission and either Try Again or Cancel. Wait a second. I check my security. That's fine, I am the owner. I check all of the properties and there is no apparent reason why I can't copy ephinea.dll to the installation folder.

I check the "Install Files" folder I had made earlier to see if ephinea.dll had copied to there. It had. I copy and paste it into the installation folder. Nope, same problem.

I extract a different file, the readme, from the Ephinea Client Zip file into the installation folder. Works fine.

So the problem is the ephinea.dll file. For some reason I am not allowed to copy it into the installation folder.

I can find no fix online, probably because I don't know how to phrase the search properly. Any idea why this is the case?

I can copy the .dll somewhere else, even in a different folder IN the installation folder, but not directly into the installation folder. It's weird, right?