AxHell in da house


Hello everyone how are you doing ?

My name is AxHell and I came here after reading the PCGamer article and feeling a surge of nostalgia for this amazing game.

I first played PSO on the Dreamcast but had no internet connection at the time, and played it again 2 years ago with a friend on a private server (can't remember which one). And now here I am again !

About me well...I'm a 23 years old male french student that studies languages (English, Italian and Japanese) and I'm a big J-RPG, cat and pizza lover.

My favourite game of all time is Final Fantasy IX on the PSX, followed closely by Banjo-Kazooie on the N64.

As for the Phantasy Star serie, I own the PS Collection on GBA and PS IV on the Genesis, as well as both PS Portable 2 and Infinity on the PSP. I like all the games in the franchise (and plan on buying Nova on the Vita) but I'd say my favourites are IV and Portable 2 Infinity.

Other than that, I love reading (mangas like My Hero Academia at the moment, and books like Discworld by late Terry Pratchett), drawing, animes (like Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood), music, movies, TV series...and especially cats even if I love every animals that live on this earth (except bugs yeeesh).

In the game I'll be playing a FOnewearls like I did on the Dreamcast and two years ago...or maybe a RAmarl, HUnewearl, or a FOmarl.
Anyways, if you see a player with one of these characters named AxHell, that's me !

I hope to see you in game ! Have a nice day !
Hello everyone how are you doing ?

My name is AxHell and I came here after reading the PCGamer article and feeling a surge of nostalgia for this amazing game.

Welcome! I really won't be active, but hopefully I'll bump into you eventually!
Thank you all for the warm welcome !

I finally decided to play a RAmarl called....Viridia. I realized only after playing the game for a bit (in order to get around the interface and the controls), that it was a Section ID name (I'm Yellowbose by the way) :eek:

But I like her and I think the name suits her well so I'll keep her !