A>Hell J-Cutter (with hell) fully grinded (done)


Do you need a j-cutter? Do you wanna avoid spending pure pd in order to put special on it? Well I got a spare one.

Reserve: 55pd worth, when hit the item will be on hold for 72 hours.

Other wants (more of a work in process goals list if anything):
-s-rank Berserk Sword
-Yunchang with 30 or more hit
-Flowen's 3084 sword with 40 or more hit lol.
-restless lion Dark Flow with n/d

-s-rank Berserk Needle
-s-rank Demons Needle
-s-rank Hell Needle
-s-rank Arrest Needle
-s-rank Berserk Launcher
-30 or more hit Snow Queen

-90+ hit rainbow baton cause my 75 hit one is not shiny enough and green is more than a color
-40 hit+ holy ray w/o machine on it
-Tyrell's Parasol with 40 or more hit
-s-rank Hell Cards

-20 or more hit Excalibur
-that xmas 30 hit Vivienne
-60 hit charge diska
-60 hit charge Vulcan
-60 hit hell raygun
-s-rank Zalure Handgun
-s-rank Demons Mechguns
-s-rank Arrest J-cutter
-I'm cool with badges still (silver at 5:1, gold at 1:2 still).
-I'm cool with mats like pow (8:1), luck (1.5:1), and hp (8:1) as well (I think those are the rates atm.
-I want ubers as well lol but I'm pretty sure I'm too poor for that.
Sorry man, not sure I can consider this to be equal to hell j-cutter
about 1/2 of it based off that price check of yours I guess. I am interested in that holy ray as well though ;)
mildly regret making this an auction now...
Since this is for a 1 to 1 trade can I take this down?
Well in case I can't...hell needle is current highest bid as of now for the 72 hours.
Would anyone care if I was to let Eva have b/o on this? I mean 1:1 trade is quite fine with me.

pretty sure no one will care. Yeah I'm gonna do b/o instead of waiting 48 more hours.