A> 0/0/0/0/30 Heaven Striker


Reserve: 130 pd value
Snowball's-chance-in-hell-buyout: SJS/TJS. Obviously I'd be making up ground here with PDs/items in addition to the HS.

If reserve is met, auction will run for 72 hours. Any bid in the final 24 hours will extend the auction by an additional day.

PDs are fine in any amount, but I'll likely value raw PD bids as being less valuable than those that contain items from my wants.
Silvers 8:1 pd
Golds 1.5:1 pd (poor rates-not super interested in badges)
PCs: N/A
Luck mats - max of 9 at 1:1
pow/mind/etc - N/A
PS - 85:1
No S ranks please

TJS - again, will throw in to make up the gap in value between these items.
Zanba 35h+ - (high want)
60h charge gatlings - valued at 25 pd (very high want)
DoB 45h+ (low want)
60h arrest lockgun/railgun (medium wants)
BKB 40h+ (low want)
125 PDs
9 Luck mats

Sorry I know they're probably not your highest wants, but I don't really have many of your wants.
Thanks Miku, but I think I'm going to stick with Venom's bid as chb for now.
hard to put an exact number on it, but I value Venom's total bid at around ~190, which is probably a little high for the zanba, but I'd much rather have an item from my list than raw pds
Do you have any other wants? I'm still considering bidding on this but I don't know (probably not) if it's worth it to outbid that using pure PDs, as all those PDs are still pretty valuable to me.
I should have sniped that 76pd Zanba auction when it was up to use as trade fodder:D. 190pd, guess I'm out :eek:. Best of luck to the rest.
yeah, wish I had grabbed it too. thanks for the interest!

as for additional wants, there isn't much I really need. anything that could be flipped easily, mostly, or any hucast gear I haven't thought of, though I'm set on excals.