
  1. A

    Beat time to Eastern standard time conversion for HS/HP

    Posting this to make it easy for people to change beat time to their time zone. EST (Eastern Standard Time) 7 pm-000 beat/1000 beats (Divine Punishment) 9:24 pm-100 beats (Berserk) 11:48 pm-200 beats (Divine) 2:12 am-300 beats (Berserk) 4:36 am-400 beats (Divine) 7 am-500 beats (Berserk) 9:24...
  2. reason

    Time Attack Thread

    New Thread with new rules. Sandbox mode rules added. Will be updated. Bagarozy's Normal Mode TA Thread with different item restrictions: Here Rules - Must be done on Ephinea Server. - Please show videos, or pictures that show proof of your completion. Ultimate only. No cheating. - Any...
  3. 10 Hour TTF

    10 Hour TTF

    Dat time