ophelie seize

  1. Spuz

    Ophelie Seize [0/0/15/15/30] [COMPLETE]

    Reserve: 5pd Countdown: 48hr [Started - 16/04/23] @18:13 BTC Reset: 24hr CHB: @Shez w/ 10pd MBI: +1PD
  2. phelix

    Ophelie Seize [0/0/0/15|35] (Done 5pd)

    1pd res 24h countdown
  3. RpiesSPIES

    A> Opheile Seize 0/0/0/0|25[hit] <Ended 12PD>

    CHB: 12PD Reserve 10PD Timer 24h
  4. UNO

    PC> 50h Ophelie Seize

    Found this a couple of weeks ago randomly helping someone hunt v101. Has 20%dark Also, maybe, open to offers. maybe. Depending on PC. maybe