
  1. Brvcx

    [Done]A> Dark Flow 0/0/0/0|65 & Girasole 0/35/25/15|0 [CHB: 50]

    Heya, Got me this DF to try and see if it's something I'd like to invest more in, only to realise I simply don't like playing that style, so putting it up there to find it a new owner. Reserve: 50 PDs. Countdown: 72 hours. Reset: 24 hours. Timezone: UTC +01 Wants: -PDs -Foie Lv. 30 disc...
  2. Spuz

    A> Girasole [0/0/0/25/35] [DONE]

    CHB: @メディア w/20pds Reserve: 10 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 12/07/22 @18:05 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid: If not pds, wants are as follows:
  3. Spuz

    A> Girasole [0/25/0/0|35] [DONE]

    CHB: @Epyon w/12pds Reserve: 5 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 05/06/22 @06:47 (UTC) If not pds, wants are as follows:
  4. Firkraag

    A> Girasole [0/0/0/0|45] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 50 pd Reserve: 45 pd Countdown: 36 Hours
  5. Demongnomed

    A>Girasole (0/0/50m/0|15h) - DONE

    Res. 0pd 48hr 24hr resets That's right, you heard correct 0pd! This item could be yours for the low low price of FREE!!! BID NOW! Are you a FOnewearl and feel dysfunctional when you walk into Vol Opt? Having trouble when it comes to Gizone, or perhaps the bedroom? BID NOW!!! Have you ever...
  6. Brvcx

    PD sjop

    Hey, Selling a few odds and ends. Here goes: Rambling May 0/0/0/15|0 Girasole 0/15/0/25|0 Madam's Umbrella 0/30/0/0|0 Red Scorpio 0/0/0/40|0 Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou (0), +164 DFP/+189 EVP (MAX being +166DFP/+191EVP) Striker Plus, +81DFP/+205 EVP (MAX being +90DFP/+205EVP) God/HP...
  7. Henonk

    PC>Some stuffs

    Hi, Things i got in stock & i'm looking to sell, as i'm pretty new here i dunnot know the prices : Rianov 303SNR-5 00/15/00/00:40 Chaos Vulcan 25/15/00/00:40 Hell Vulcan 00/00/00/00:45 Arrest Vulcan 00/00/40/25:40 Flame Visit 00/25/00/20:20...