Got me this DF to try and see if it's something I'd like to invest more in, only to realise I simply don't like playing that style, so putting it up there to find it a new owner.
Reserve: 50 PDs.
Countdown: 72 hours.
Reset: 24 hours.
Timezone: UTC +01
-Foie Lv. 30 disc...
Res. 0pd
24hr resets
That's right, you heard correct 0pd!
This item could be yours for the low low price of FREE!!! BID NOW!
Are you a FOnewearl and feel dysfunctional when you walk into Vol Opt?
Having trouble when it comes to Gizone, or perhaps the bedroom? BID NOW!!!
Have you ever...
Selling a few odds and ends.
Here goes:
Rambling May 0/0/0/15|0
Girasole 0/15/0/25|0
Madam's Umbrella 0/30/0/0|0
Red Scorpio 0/0/0/40|0
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou (0), +164 DFP/+189 EVP (MAX being +166DFP/+191EVP)
Striker Plus, +81DFP/+205 EVP (MAX being +90DFP/+205EVP)
Things i got in stock & i'm looking to sell, as i'm pretty new here i dunnot know the prices :
Rianov 303SNR-5 00/15/00/00:40
Chaos Vulcan 25/15/00/00:40
Hell Vulcan 00/00/00/00:45
Arrest Vulcan 00/00/40/25:40
Flame Visit 00/25/00/20:20...