
  1. Ruel

    A> D-Parts ver1.01 [10/10 | 7/7] [4S] (CHB:70 DONE)

    Reserve : 1PD Countdown : 48H Reset : 24H Wants : PDs only
  2. Firkraag

    A> D-Parts ver1.01 [10/10 | 7/7] [Sold]

    Sold! for 85 pd Reserve: 7 Countdown: 36 Hours Wants: Any item that's easy to sell or auction, if it's worth more than your bid I'll pay you the difference. Spheres, Cookies 4 pd
  3. Firkraag

    PDA> D-Parts ver1.01 [10/10 | 5/7] [4S] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 30 pd! It's not perfect, but it's close. Reserve: 5 pd (Meseta 500K:1) Countdown: 24 Hrs