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  1. S

    Demon sniper H70

    >Dubtaps Thank you for comment. I'll sell it for 10 PD :)
  2. S

    Demon sniper H70

    I just got Demon Sniper H70 and wondered if it's worth or not. In the case It's worth, How much should I sell for?
  3. S

    ☆★☆ TRADE ☆★☆

    B>Heavenly/Arms 3 pds if available
  4. S

    Green's Trade List

    DRAGON SLAYER [25/0/0/15|60] - 1 S-red's Arms - 1 上記を購入したいです。 Discord Sibuo#5597 こちらからフレンドは飛ばしてあります!
  5. S

    B>S-parts 2.01

    Buying: S-parts2.01(any stats) I'm a newbie and trying to get ult done right now. so I don't really know how much it is so if possible white the price in this thread help me alot. Thank you ;) Discord: Sibuo#5597