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  1. Raine

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    So the server is likely to pass a billion kills today. Now that's an accomplishment we can all share in.
  2. Raine

    Rare armor ranking?

    A lot of this is the product of Sega Balancing, which is to say none of it makes any goddamn sense and things get doled out at random.
  3. Raine

    What would a modern PSOBB remaster look like?

    Just add more options to the character creator and call it a day in terms of new additions.
  4. Raine

    What would a modern PSOBB remaster look like?

    I was just thinking to myself today how wou.ld a potential HUmarl or RAnewm differentiate themselves? Just moving some stat parameters around would be boring.
  5. Raine

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Probably not a big deal to most folks here but this is the first one of these I've managed to snag. Hopefully the first of many.
  6. Raine

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Hmm I see. Any reason the decision was made to add them back in? It's not terribly important just curious.
  7. Raine

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    So I didn't think the minus versions of units existed on this server, but I just pulled this out of a random Cave 3 Ult box.
  8. Raine

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    As an aside I've had my eye on the global kill counter for a bit and the 1 billion kill mark is gonna be something I'm celebrating on a personal level even if my personal contribution pales in comparison to a lot of folks here
  9. Raine

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    I feel like there's only so much excitement that can be generated within the framework of holding drop rate events for a 20+ year old game that's not receiving new content updates. This isn't necessarily a bad thing however, I'd much prefer "boring" events to insane power creep nonsense.
  10. Raine

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Hell TypeGU/Mechgun with 35 hit out of an Ult present
  11. Raine

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    The fact that the team point counter goes into the hundreds of millions is pretty absurd
  12. Raine

    What is your current or ultimate goal?

    I want to finally take a character all the way to 200, I've always petered out on the level 130-140 range.
  13. Raine

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is there any sort of etiquette for joining the voice chat on the Discord server? Wouldn't wanna fifth wheel people when they're trying to play games or anything.
  14. Raine

    How did YOU find Ephinea?

    Another SCHThack refugee, been absolutely hooked since getting to play back on Dreamcast at my cousin's house and here we are 23 years later. I take chunks of time off regularly but I always find myself coming back to PSO because it's still the best video game of all time.
  15. Raine

    Why do people idle in the lobby so much?

    I've probably wasted more time idling in the PSO lobby than I have actually playing a lot of the games I've owned in my life.
  16. Raine

    7th Anniversary Event Thread

    Ok good, I've been out of town for the past week and won't be back till late Saturday, glad I'll still be able to cash in.
  17. Raine

    7th Anniversary Event Thread

    As a complete newbie, the shop quest to spend the badges is still available right?
  18. Raine

    When is offering help/advice warranted versus toxic?

    Some people tend to be more sensitive about stuff than others. Personally, as long as you're not a total dick please,. speak up and tell me if I'm going something wrong. I don't wanna be the cause of wasted time, I wanna blow through these Boomas and rack up the sweet loot and EXP in an...
  19. Raine

    Miku's top 5 pipe dreams

    Forgive me for not understanding but for what purpose would you want to turn off Resta?
  20. Raine

    Jukebox Song List

    Not familiar with all the technical ins and outs but what are the chances some more of the songs get added to useable CDs at some point? Especially a few more of the PSO Episode III tracks, Tower of Caelum is absolute fire.