Search results

  1. xiiihearts

    A> Izmaela - [CHB - 26pds] (Completed)

    I have an extra Izmaela that I don't need, could be in a hand of someone who would put it to good use. It is also use in Honeycomb Reflector Plating. RES: 25pds Min bid: 1pd Good luck!
  2. xiiihearts

    A> Heart of Yasminkov 9000M [CHB:106pds] (Completed)

    res: 75pds min bid: 1pd Buyout condition:- 1:1 trade for Heart of Ancient Saber countdown: 24hrs reset: 24hrs
  3. xiiihearts

    Diska +8 [Charge] [0/30/0/25|75] CHB:260 [DONE]

    Diska +8 [Charge] [0/30/0/25|75] Res: 100 Countdown: 48hrs from bid Reset: 24hr from bid CHB:260
  4. xiiihearts

    A> Demon Raygun +1 [25/0/0/0|65]

    Demon Raygun +1 [25/0/0/0|65] Res: 30 Countdown: 48hrs from bid Reset: 24hr from bid