Search results

  1. V


    Taking offers just talk to me in game(Vet) or leave a message here! Offers in PD's please Thanks!
  2. V

    B V101

    Have mats/Pd's for trade. also have a V502 if you're interested in it Please PM me a price or post here thanks!
  3. V

    Vet's Tradelist!

    I'll be on tonight after work/gym which is around 1am EST. Right now I just want a v101. As for the mind sato make an offer. I'm not entirely sure on prices around here. I will ask around.
  4. V

    Vet's Tradelist!

    Decalog Grinders Amp of Zonde Cure/Poison V501 Recovery Barrier x2 Guren 0/15/0/0|0 Wants: Pd's Cool fomarl items! Message me here or leave a post! Orrrrr talk to me in game (Vet) Thanks!
  5. V

    Skye's Shop Reloaded

    I'm interested in Vivienne have pd's and mats for trade let me know
  6. V

    cannot connect the server...

    Thanks for getting the server back up! Really appreciate it =D