Search results

  1. SevenSixThree


    40 hit redsword. res: 10 countdown: 48hrs res: 24hrs
  2. SevenSixThree

    A>Yasminkov 9000m [30/0/0/0|45]

    res 30pd countdown 48hrs reset 24hrs THANK YOU (65h is GREAT, but this works ALMOST SAME GOOD! On appearance of course I mean.)
  3. SevenSixThree

    A>Vivienne[0/0/0/25|45] Closed @ 525

    res 30pds countdown 48h reset 24h THANK YOU
  4. SevenSixThree

    A>L&K 38 [0|25|0|0|55] 55hit done 600

    RES 300pd Count Down 72 hours / Reset 24 hours Wants: snow queen 40h and + Mille Marteaus 40h and + TJS Thank you
  5. SevenSixThree

    B>Heaven Punisher or MILLE MARTEAUX

    WTB Heaven Punisher and a 35h+ OPHELIE SEIZE or a 35h+ MILLE MARTEAUX pm or dm me plz! @SevenSixThree#2073
  6. SevenSixThree

    A>Slicer of Fanatic [Demon's] [0/35/0/0|30] (Closed@16)

    Thinking this should be good for a HUm or FO res: 10pds countdown: 24hrs reset: 24hrs thank you!
  7. SevenSixThree

    A>Gifoie 30

    reset 24h countdown 48h res 299 thank you!
  8. SevenSixThree


    plz pm me :D
  9. SevenSixThree

    A>Thirteen [8/8 | 1/8] [2S]

    res: 1pd countdown: 24h reset: 24h thank you!
  10. SevenSixThree

    A>Ophelie Seize [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|30](closed)

    reserve: 3pds countdown: 24h reset: 24h thank you!
  11. SevenSixThree

    A>Girasole [0/0/0/15|35]

    reserve: 5 pds countdown: 24h reset: 24h thank you!
  12. SevenSixThree

    B>zerk needle

    70 with special 30 without
  13. SevenSixThree

    B>Hell J-cutter w/ or w/o special

    30 for Hell J-cutter w/o special 80 for w/ special ones pm me plz.
  14. SevenSixThree

    A>Some Items(Closed)

    reserve: BOVN[10/10 | 0/10] 0s : 5pds Standstill Shield [50/50 | 5/15] : 4pds Red Ring [1/85 | 5/25] : 30pds Red Ring [64/85 | 23/ 25] : 55pds Arms +10 [Charge] [0/0/0/0|60] : 25pds countdown: 24hrs reset: 24hrs thank you!
  15. SevenSixThree


    res: 30 countdown: 24h reset: 24h thank you!
  16. SevenSixThree

    B>recovery barrier or merge

    as title! pm me plz!
  17. SevenSixThree

    A>Megid lv30(closed)

    Avada Kedavra! reserve: 100 countdown: 48h reset: 24h
  18. SevenSixThree

    A>L&K 38 Combat[15/0/30/0/35]35hit(closed)

    reserve: 30pd intial countdown: 24hrs reset: 24hrs thank you!
  19. SevenSixThree


    15pd reserve 48h countdown 24h reset with CHB thank you. :)