Search results

  1. shinsyaoran

    A>Excalibur [Berserk] [0/0/0/15|45] Done Winner Venom

    RES:999 48h countdown 24h reset with each CHB Want:75h+ zerk arms with room for N/AB Photon Sphere value at 98
  2. shinsyaoran

    A>Cannon Rouge +30 [Chaos] [0/0/0/15|40] Done WINNER AIZEN

    RES:25 48h countdown 24h reset with each CHB
  3. shinsyaoran

    A>Red Ring [2/85 | 20/25] DONE

    RES:5PD 48hr countdown 24hr reset with CHB
  4. shinsyaoran

    A>Sange & Yasha +30 [Gush] [0/0/15/20|35] & Guardianna +9 [Spirit] [0/0/30/0|35] Done

    Selling both together PD's Only RES:20PDs Timer start with CHB with 24hr reset each CHB Now i goin back to play Xbox
  5. shinsyaoran

    S>Hell & Demon Needle with Spec (DONE)

    S-RANK NEEDLE HELL +70 [Hell] 80PD S-RANK NEEDLE DEMONS +70 [Demon's] 80PD
  6. shinsyaoran

    S>Red Ring [2/85 | 20/25] 99PC

    PC only
  7. shinsyaoran

    Angel's Stop & Go Shop

    Hello welcome to my shop ^^ If u see anything you like feel free throw me a PM or message me discord @AngelxShin#8716 Or Xbox Live ShinxAngel Am online between 08:00-20:00 GMT-04:00 Atlantic Standard Time P.S: For a faster reply PM or contact me on Discord if am not sleeping or dead ^^ Notice...