Search results

  1. Ultymoo

    B> Limiters. Message me prices.

    Like the title says, just DM me your prices here or on Discord at Ultymoo#6450. The average ain't working anymore, so might as well see what people want for 'em!
  2. Ultymoo

    My bank is chubby. It needs to be thin.

    Another bank dump topic? Yes. No. Yes. I have things to sell you and a burning hunger for justice PDs/Meseta. I'm still in the process of relearning the market so I guess make offers on anything that catches your fancy. :B Find me in a room called B> Limiters or on Discord at Ultymoo#6450.
  3. Ultymoo

    "It's a Seal!" Limiter unlock service.

    Howdy there! I recently got my craptop upgraded so I can play PSO when work is slow by tethering it to my phone. Unfortunately it's still bad so I can't really do a ton on it... So why not use the time for unsealing? I'm hoping to get an unsealing chain going of trading Limiters and PDs for...