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  1. Noble

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Yeah I actually got the answer faster on the discord. Figured I'd ask in both. I hadn't expected this to be such a pain to resolve, guess I'm old fashioned and prefer when it used to use the .ogg files. Just kinda wish they weren't so intrusive with no level of control over them past muting all...
  2. Noble

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Well my plan was to grind into the new year hunting it but I got it about 9 hours into the hunt today. 153 total Mil Lilies. Not as bad as the first time but this one doesn't have 25H.
  3. Noble

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Zzzzzzzz. Knew I was gonna get another one before I finished the PW hunt.
  4. Noble

    OBS only capturing half of the game audio

    As far as I'm able to tell, nothing is set up to output 7.1. I did get to the bottom of the issue though, turns out the culprit is Dolby Atmos. Toggling the surround virtualizer it has in it did nothing to resolve the problem but just disabling spatial audio entirely fixed it. Odd that this...
  5. Noble

    OBS only capturing half of the game audio

    So yesterday I was streaming some of my PW hunt and when I checked the vod I discovered that only half of the game's audio was being captured, which I've never had happen with other games. For some reason it captures all the environmental sounds like doors, level ambiance and monster effects...
  6. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    15h Lollipop from a VH present.
  7. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Berserk TypeSH/Shot 0/0/0/0/40 from an ultimate present.
  8. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Rose Paint from an ultimate present
  9. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    PD x4 from an ultimate present
  10. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    10x Coal from a VH present.
  11. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Got a TP Material x2 from a hard present.
  12. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Ahh, thank you.
  13. Noble

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    Would it be too much to ask the drop rate of presents?
  14. Noble

    View Your Character Data! (キャラクターデータを閲覧できるようになりました!)

    Imagine not needing a third party tool to generate a bank list. Good change.
  15. Noble

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    6 spread needles and 12 heavenly/arms later. Not that great but hunt accomplished. Now to find something new to go after.
  16. Noble

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I just wanted to hunt spread needles but in the process of finding 2 of them I've also dropped more heavenly/arms than PDs.
  17. Noble

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I hopped back on and forgot I had a Red Ring. Went looking for a proof and actually found it. Only 7 years old. Guess it's been a while, lol.
  18. Noble

    So how do you, like, properly play a HUcast solo?

    Mag choice is also pretty important. Twins are a must for pretty much any mag but I really like running Rati on casts for the full S/D triggers they have.
  19. Noble

    How did YOU find Ephinea?

    Came over after Crono let Schthack die when the only copy of the server on his basement PC exploded. Mostly been lurking though.
  20. Noble

    So, it seems like the FOmar is... kind of terrible at everything?

    So many years and this still comes up. It's the problem with jack of all trades classes, you get level 30 techs but no decent tech bonuses or MST to make them amazing and you have ATP for excalibur but at that point you're a watered down hunter. Just another flavor of HUnewearl if you ask me.