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  1. V

    Wine crash at bursting screen

    Necroing this topic just to link to some compiled dlls for Ubuntu 16.04. I'm using them with wine 1.8. Also thought I'd mention that you should check and see if true-type fonts are in your Wine installation as it improves the text in-game. winetricks tahoma will install Tahoma which is what the...
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    Wine crash at bursting screen

    I'm working on building the dlls for Ubuntu Trusty / Linux Mint 17. At least I think it should work on both of these. I couldn't get it working at first but that's because I built the dlls from master and was trying to run them on Wine 1.6. I'm hoping to have a working solution before the...
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    Wine crash at bursting screen

    Kudos to you, Eidolon. I just switched over my gaming rig to run Linux and I was disappointed when I couldn't get Wine to run PSO and the bug tracker didn't have any solutions. I'll try your fix.
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    Xj Conversion Notes

    I just cloned your project to play around with things. I'm glad to see you're making progress!
  5. V

    So happy to be here!

    Hi, Radrappy. I'll do all the government quests with you. I'm only at level 11 and have done the first 4 so far.
  6. V

    Finally Playing Online

    Hello everyone! I'm really happy to have found this community and have been enjoying (as much as you can enjoy just starting out) playing online so far. I played the gamecube version with friends during high school and played Blue Burst for a little bit when it came out, but never got a...