Search results

  1. BlackMage

    Ilestes Tradelist

    3 pd for that l&k 38 sounds great, I'm on now if you can hop on. In game name v-1.0.1
  2. BlackMage

    B> Master Raven 8 PD's, maybe more

    Sounds great! PMd
  3. BlackMage

    Ilestes Tradelist

    I'd love to trade for that L&K38 Combat if you still have it? How much would you be willing to part with it for?
  4. BlackMage

    B> Master Raven 8 PD's, maybe more

    Willing to negotiate! Would really love one of these. Thanks!
  5. BlackMage

    S> 0/0/25/15/0 Lame- 4 pd's

    Topic says all, PM me if you're interested Also except luck mats 1:1 and PC's 1.5:1
  6. BlackMage

    B> Dress Plate

    Not sure what the current rate on this is, let me know what you're willing to let go of it for and I'll see what I can do. Thanks!
  7. BlackMage

    S> Xmas Type Weapons

    I'll take 1 type GU mech if you still have it
  8. BlackMage


  9. BlackMage


    Name: Demon Weapon: Needle Payment: 10 PD's Ty!