Search results

  1. kumasanjurou

    Kumasanjurou's Mag Shop

    The item we sold earlier is out of stock. ごめんなさい、先ほど売ったHUnewearlのKamaで在庫がなくなりました。 また入荷したときにお声がけいただけると幸いです。
  2. kumasanjurou

    Kumasanjurou's Mag Shop

    今から行きますね 買ってくれてありがとうございます:)
  3. kumasanjurou

    Kumasanjurou's Mag Shop

    Hello Britania I'm free now. Can you trade it now ? Britania様、こんにちは 今時間はありますよ。交換しませんか?
  4. kumasanjurou

    Kumasanjurou's Mag Shop

    Hello Britania thank you for message If you use Discord, please contact me on my Discord ID. or Could you tell me what time you often log in ? I can basically trade anytime between UTC 11:00 and 15:00. I can trade even when my Discord account is online. Britania様、こんばんは ご連絡ありがとうございます...
  5. kumasanjurou

    Kumasanjurou's Mag Shop

    Update [5/12/2024] add:item Hunter Mags Kama(Red) [5 : 147 : 48 : 0] [Mylla & Youlla, Farlla, Pilla] 5pd Kama(Red) [5 : 133 : 62 : 0] [Mylla & Youlla, Farlla, Pilla] 5pd Kama(Red) [5 : 131 : 64 : 0] [Mylla & Youlla, Farlla, Pilla] 5pd Kama(Turquoise) [5 : 147 : 48 : 0] [Mylla & Youlla, Farlla...
  6. kumasanjurou

    Kumasanjurou's Mag Shop

    thank you for visiting my shop My active time is around UTC 11:00 to 15:00 If you have any items you would like, please contact us on Discord. My Discord ID is kumasanjurou 閲覧いただきありがとうございます 日本時間の20時から24時頃によくログインしています。 ご希望の商品がございましたらディスコードにてご連絡ください 私のディスコードIDはkumasanjurouです 追伸: 日本人のお客様へ...
  7. kumasanjurou

    B>Red Saber[0/0/0/x|50] [DONE]

    Hello everyone I am looking for this item If anyone is willing to sell it, please contact me on Discord. The purchase budget is about 10 to 12 pd. Thank you for viewing this article. My Discord ID is kumasanjurou P.S. I found someone to sell it to me. I stop proposals. Thank you to everyone...
  8. kumasanjurou

    A>Diska of Braveman +9 [0/0/0/0|50] CHB:38[CLOSED]

    It's time over Thank you to everyone who made a bid This time Ryojin is the winner. I will deliver the item, please contact me. My Discord ID kumasanjurou.
  9. kumasanjurou

    A>Diska of Braveman +9 [0/0/0/0|50] CHB:38[CLOSED]

    Reserve:30 PDs Countdown:48 Hours Reset:24 Hours Wants: Photon Drop V502 = 30 PDs
  10. kumasanjurou

    Damoi's Trade List

    I couldn't find your Discord ID So, could you please contact me on my Discord ID? My Discord ID is kumasanjurou If you can't contact me, please let me know here.
  11. kumasanjurou

    Damoi's Trade List

    thank you for answering now i am logged in Can I do trade with you now?
  12. kumasanjurou

    Damoi's Trade List

    Hello Damoi I want to buy these Slicer of Fanatic [Demon's] [0/0/0/0|30] = 15pd Vivienne [Heart] [0/0/0/0|30] = 15pd Shouren [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|30] = 20pd P.S. What time in UTC+8:00 will you be logging in?