Pioneer 2 - A Phantasy Star Online Community

Hello. You found me!!
Harborer of Hope
Harborer of Hope
XD! Yeeeeah, your mew is weird like that~! =3
I seen your guild card I thought, that name sounds familiar. I've seen it before. So I looked you up and added you to my follow. Then I looked at mine and it says language jpn. Do you know how I would change that? I don't speak Japanese other then a few words, lol.
Harborer of Hope
Harborer of Hope molested the language settings in the lobby ship select menu didn't you? On the bottom of the ship listings there's a language thingy. Tat it? =3
Lol. Umm.....maybe...
I will check it tonight when I get home from work. I hope that's it.
Harborer of Hope
Harborer of Hope
lol u changed your avatar thingy! =3
Going to be changing my profile name too. But feel free to refer to me as BURN . I created a profile here 5 years ago. I was on here for a week and then life got in the way. Now I'm back and looking to stay awhile. BURNTHEDEAD was all about burning Zombies, but TrippyHippie is all about peace and love and good vibes. ✌❤️
Harborer of Hope
Harborer of Hope
Grrooooooooviiiiies~! nya! =3