Rescue from Ragol.


Hi Team,

Rescue from Ragol multimode version is loading in 1p mode. It's amazing, but I figure I should report it and not exploit it. I only did one run and I noticed at the end because the NPC is never found and it says "you should go alone next time." (I did.)

Edit: It is possible this was intentional because the NPC variant of the quest is very buggy / unfair. If the NPC becomes paralyzed in Caves, it's impossible to heal him unless you have Anti. Healing Rings won't work. This makes it very difficult to keep him alive.

Edit: If an Admin could please let me know ASAP whether or not this was intentional, as I'm holding off on any future runs until I know. I'm a firm believer that glitches / oversights should not be exploited. Thanks.
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I am doing another run right now but this one is in Multimode, which uses the correct version :D

(That way someone doesn't look at the game I'm in and say, "ZOMG ADE IS A SPLOITER" :p
Can you tp in RFR? I cant rmb since i dont play much but if you can, did you try tping to nurse?
oh ok. Never noticed cos I usually use Ramar on that quest.

Which lets me just anti. Also kill from far away.

Nice find
@Matt : I'm sorry to bug you, but I've seen you online a couple of times without responding to this. Can I get a ruling on the OP? Thanks.