There is a dearth of quality FOs as of late

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Are you not using S-Ranks on FO, Ade? Also, if you still are looking for something to do except hunting, grind a FOmar to 200. He can do things the other FOs can only dream of.

One thing: Attack glitching is huge when playing FOs. Getting 2 "special" S-Bullets when SNSing Mechs is super important and this needs very accurate timing and postitioning, so not everything has leeway or is "auto-positioned".

I often see people saying "FOs are so easy to play." - it is indeed not too hard to play a FO in a way that is... okay. Being a good FO, however, is pretty hard. Most of the time people that say FOing is easy only have one of them and then probably not even in the 150s. Believe me when I say that you've seen maybe 10 or 20% of what a FO can do at that level.

I can even turn this on its head by saying "RA is easy". I played with so many RAs in Tower and I thought they were doing fine. One Day I decided to use my 130 RAmarl again... and damn was it easy compared to a FO in the same area. Like, guys, step it up a notch. ;D Playing an "ok" RA is just as easy as playing an "ok" FO, imo. It's just way easier to see it when a FO screws up.

What the OP says is true to some extent, but a bit oversimplified in places. In some parties FOs have so much stuff to do that it becomes really hard to manage it all. And then the HUcast doesn't even manage to freeze the Merissas which will make me fall to the ground, slowing us all down by missing the killing Gifoie cast. It's the small things you can do in order to allow the FO to work in an effective way, too.

That being said, I also noticed a lot of Rabarta spamming recently and yeah, that's just bad. Where does this come from?
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If you can't be a successful HU/RA without a perfect support FO being your personal bitch, then you're probably a trash HU/RA. If it's too problematic, don't play with a FO. They probably aren't complaining that you aren't doing a good enough job tanking, if you were they wouldn't need to Jell. Support your support, it's called playing as a team.
I've been playing my force a lot and noticed many FO's, sometimes it's just me and sometimes it's multiple FO's. Probably because of event KC everyone is on FO. There is alot of inexperienced FOrces atm, either tech spam while forgetting to support or supportting only haha.
  • I always Zalure and leave the other FO to Jellen if he sees fit (or if only FO Jellen on when really needed); sometimes others do nothing, sometimes they do both ZJ, it's like 50/50 from my experience. I do Jellen Detonators 1st though instead of Zalure because damn they always target me and ignore the others.
  • I don't really use resta when there are any hunters because of DF (Well I use resta trick on myself often), players can use mates or heal themselves. I will heal a group if it's clear they are not trying to trigger or use DF/weak party.
  • If an area require Gifoie I spam that in the centre of the room while casting Zalure between casts.
  • When not using Gifoie I would use some Rabarta to freeze enemies if lack of Cast/Traps and use Demons to support (SoF/D-cards/Bringers).
  • I rarely tech spam tbh because of DMC. I avoid it as much as possible. Only use Gifoie/Rabarta where mentioned. I only use other attack techs when I solo or if a big party of like 4 FO's.
Also if your playing with a FOnewm/Foney please be aware their SD range sucks, even with Striker of Chao and FOnewm/FOmar Resta Range sucks even with Soliferino:
I actually had someone complaining about shifta yesterday. I had everyone else in the party shifta'd the whole time but this HUnewearl died 3 times and then ran away from me to the opposite side of the map. Like really how does someone expect me to shifta you if you run away, I cast it 7 times with striker of chao but they were out of range, I am not a FOmarl man. So I just remained there in the centre casting gifoie (since it was crater) as I should be. If you're not prepared to go to the FO for shifta when you keep dieing you cannot expect them to chase you around the map when they have things to do for the party.

Just remember, respect of play goes both ways!
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someone might've mentioned this but this but i hear enough about this that it's clear that many don't understand:

if someone is zerking it's not your responsibility to heal them
if someone is zerking it's not your responsibility to heal them
if someone is zerking it's not your responsibility to heal them
My priorities when I play Force:

1. Heal & Buff Party
2. Debuff MoBs
3. Nuke MoBs

In that order.
Also if your playing with a male FO please be aware their range sucks, even with Striker of Chao or Soliferino:

Great post, Spuz!
Only one small thing: FOmar actually does have the SD boost, so with Striker of Chao his range is actually really, really good (same as FOmarl). FOney and FOnewm do indeed have a very bad SD range, though.
Male Resta can be an advantage (in a party with only one DF- or Trigger-user) or a disadvantage (in a party relying a bit more on healing).
Trying to properly buff everyone is like herding cats. I don' have time to chase your ass across the battlefield, you need buffs come get them. I'm not your mag, you aren't feeding me a thousand difluids.
Also, playing as a pure support FO is boring as hell, for every buff/debug tech there are 3 attack techs. No point having all those horses in the engine if they don' get to gallop!
good advice for the average player: find a fo or two for your team/playgroup that are agreeable with your playstyle. realistically you aren't going to play this class anywhere near optimally so just enjoy pso.

coming from a bad fo (i don't play this class): honestly there are only 3 or 4 fos that really "get it" on this entire server (as in fully optimized play). talk is cheap guys: outside of 2 of the people posting in this thread i would really brush up before talking shit. fo is the most difficult class to play optimally in the game (highest theoretical execution ceiling). fo is generally straightforward to play "competently" but optimal execution is difficult in all eps (especially at lower levels since you have additional shield, frame and mag switches, even spawn to spawn). fo guide is trash btw.
The quality of play this event has been poor overall, not only FO's but with every class. Tagging having a higher priority than proper play. Players scrambling to make new characters for the kill-gate, many not even bothering with techs, mats etc.
The quality of play this event has been poor overall, not only FO's but with every class. Tagging having a higher priority than proper play. Players scrambling to make new characters for the kill-gate, many not even bothering with techs, mats etc.
The whole not hasing to Tag thing may be event exp driven atm...once the whole %300 exp is gone it Might get back to ppl caring a lil more, because their pride as hunters won't allow some to look like moochers or slackers. It's a lot like the new enemy health's kinda a love/hate thing...Hell yeah the health bars and exp share is awesome...but it kinda took away that sense of Urgency. This post better not start a Damned "poll" or mew'll be MIFFED! =PpPpPpPpP',',',','
You won't get this kinda slacking from ANY of MEW'S 'Plushies!!' dammit! <3!
I know that even though i rarely play my force unless needed, I try my best.
Heck even when I play RAmarl I try to keep everyone alive and buffed /debffed, especially in CCA/tower with the GI Gue always debuffing, even having lvl 7 anti for those who get frozen and don't know how to get out of it faster. I don't know, the way I see it, having a Force in the party is a god send, and we should be happy when someone takes one for the team and plays force. I think we should all be greatful (cast mains especially) that people are still willing to support us, even after the criticism.

(Thank you force mains for all your hard work) <3
I've been reading the posts now and I agree that people tend to be quite resentful towards feedback. However, I feel this is not just this game but the general state of being nowadays. People feel like they are offended quickly no matter where you go. It is everywhere. There is nothing you can do about it though so you'd better suck it up. Whenever I am in a party and I am noticing some 'minor' flaws in someones play, I ask whether they would even like to receive some feedback first. If they are not open to it, why even bother? I get the frustration part of it though. I remember doing some cca with a racast that did not know how to trapshoot. He listened to my feedback (gave him proper instructions), mastered it and in the same play session and a couple of cca's later. He got a Heaven punisher. Well, if that isn't karma I don't know what is. He was happier about knowing how to trapshoot though.
I know that even though i rarely play my force unless needed, I try my best.
Heck even when I play RAmarl I try to keep everyone alive and buffed /debffed, especially in CCA/tower with the GI Gue always debuffing, even having lvl 7 anti for those who get frozen and don't know how to get out of it faster. I don't know, the way I see it, having a Force in the party is a god send, and we should be happy when someone takes one for the team and plays force. I think we should all be greatful (cast mains especially) that people are still willing to support us, even after the criticism.

(Thank you force mains for all your hard work) <3
*Looks upon 69-kun with wet adoring eyes* V801 is mission critical for most support fiends (ESP Unfreezing or unshocking Girta victims!)! It also enforces mew's mantra of advising new HUneys and Femrangers when they ask about mag feeding...that "Huneys and femrangers will be looked upon as substitute FO's in a pinch!". So sneaking a few fluids into their mag build is advisable to deal with the level 20 supports. Hell, as most former new players can attest, if you were a new HUney, Ramarl, or FOney mew happened to pounce early...she wouldn't let you out of the room until you at least had level 14 S/D/J/Z! Not being an FO shouldn't stop ppl from at least trying to play support. Don't believe that you can be as important to a party as a dedicated FO? Take a peek at the leaderboards for techs casted...*Starts humming "One of these things is not like the others,,," * XD! <3
I've been reading the posts now and I agree that people tend to be quite resentful towards feedback. However, I feel this is not just this game but the general state of being nowadays. People feel like they are offended quickly no matter where you go. It is everywhere. There is nothing you can do about it though so you'd better suck it up. Whenever I am in a party and I am noticing some 'minor' flaws in someones play, I ask whether they would even like to receive some feedback first. If they are not open to it, why even bother? I get the frustration part of it though. I remember doing some cca with a racast that did not know how to trapshoot. He listened to my feedback (gave him proper instructions), mastered it and in the same play session and a couple of cca's later. He got a Heaven punisher. Well, if that isn't karma I don't know what is. He was happier about knowing how to trapshoot though.
Awesome Sauces! Karma halps! <3!
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