Recent content by Trunks

  1. Trunks

    PSO2 NA Alliance

    Will do! Thanks!
  2. Trunks

    PSO2 NA Alliance

    Hey guys, long time no see. I'm assuming a lot of you have gotten into PSO2 now that it's available in the west. Has any of you made an alliance? The problem with PSO2 right now is that the community is literally more dead than PSOBB when it comes to making friends and new people. I was hoping...
  3. Trunks


    Ah jeez, now I'm craving toaster strudels for like the first time since I was twelve. Lol Welcome!!
  4. Trunks

    Old schthack player

    I think a lot of us are old schthack players. You should feel right at home.
  5. Trunks

    Auction House

    I think these sort of things tend to help degrade the actual community behind games. It's better if you have to talk to people to do it.
  6. Trunks


    Bright! That's all I can say, lest we run into time distortions. Lol
  7. Trunks


    Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I'm already enjoying my stay quite a bit, actually. Lol
  8. Trunks


  9. Trunks


    Hey guys. Schthack refugee here. It's nice to meet you guys.