Recent content by Sumontos

  1. S

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Im trying Force now but i don't know how to feed the mag/Vritra, yes I checked the mag feeding guide but I can't find what I need to level MIND only because almost all the items level up something else.
  2. S

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Hi I have a question, I need to clear tier 1 missions to unlock more for a NPC to appear that can make weapons, Do I need to do this missions in solo mode?
  3. S

    Gallon's plan bug

    I was doing the Gallon's plan quest and when you are at the end of the quest with the shiny thing on the ground, it triggers the dialogue with Alicia that ends the quest but it didn't do anything, so I tried to return a bit and use the teleport again, i walked a few steps to the shiny thing and...