Recent content by shacker24

  1. shacker24

    Craig's Custom Mags - Closed

    Nidra/Sato) (M+Y, E, P) (5/117/46/32) - 3pd can i get one of these mags plz black sato if possible but if not then what ever is fine
  2. shacker24

    B>materials CLOSED

    ty sir
  3. shacker24

    B>materials CLOSED

    only need 200 mind mats how much do you want for the lot?
  4. shacker24

    B>materials CLOSED

    hi all just came back after a year away and need a bunch of materials :D I need: 500 hp mats - 400 needed now - 300 needed - done 400 pow mats - 300 needed now - 100 needed - done 200 luck mats - 150 needed now - done 300 mind mats - 200 needed now - done buying for pds thanks :D
  5. shacker24

    mewmew wove u <3

    mewmew wove u <3