Recent content by Rheo

  1. Rheo


    a bit extreme and somewhat unnecssary but the sentiment is greatly appreciated. That said i dont think I'll be playing here anymore. I know i shouldn't let one bad experience ruin things for me but hell, first impressions mean a lot, and the other server has been significantly kinder to me...
  2. Rheo


    I never played PSO online, so i was kinda hoping this experience wouldn't be so bad. Had a bad...5 minutes in. I'm just assuming not everyone's a jerk so...iunno, i might not be here long. We'll see.
  3. Rheo


    it was first me and my brother. then my sister. then my mom. best time of my life. it was alright.
  4. Rheo


    ^ Played on gamecube with my family. Wanted the nostalgia.