Recent content by Mongoose1191

  1. M

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks! Time to grind it out.
  2. M

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Quick Question-- what are recommended missions for unsealing items such as lame, limiter etc ? I'll be running normal mode and spamming techs. Just looking for a high body count. Thanks!
  3. M

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Quick Q, According to ephinea wiki after equipping glide divine for 10 minutes it can restore to tp to max in exchange for draining hp to 1... Does this actually work? If so how? I wear GD and the 9nly thing I can do after 10 min is cast anti via my special attack.
  4. M

    B> Master Raven or Photon Crystals

    Not too concerned about attributes. I'll swap PDs for PCs 1:1