Recent content by JackSalad

  1. JackSalad

    What is your favorite weapon, aesthetically speaking? (Ep1&2 weapons only)

    Windmill has such a delightful and unique gimmick that's wasted on such a weak weapon. It'd be neat to see it buffed and handed to FOmar or FOmarl. And RAmarl's unique weapon totally needs to be a handgun, to capitalize on her sideways-holding animation.
  2. JackSalad

    What's the story behind your name?

    Jack Salad came from some educational typing program my friend used in school, originally spelled "jaksalad" apparently, since they're all home row keys. He thought it was so amusing he'd say it all the time, or use it as a sort of insult. And all my characters are named after some kind of food...
  3. JackSalad

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is an ES Arrest Needle better/stronger/more useful than a Spread Needle with hit%? From what I read on the wiki, Spread Needle is better for detonating traps, and can guarantee a paralysis on S3 with high enough hit. So when is the Arrest Needle used?
  4. JackSalad

    Fonewm Gear questions?

    I believe that the Psycho Wand is a luxury, not really required imho unless you are absolutely dead set on being a sublime FOnewm. I use Gifoie more than Ra, typically. If you can get your hands on one then by all means, but the hunt is just too oppressive for a casual like me. Slicer of...
  5. JackSalad

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Since I got this game on Gamecube back in 2001 or 2002 I've never legitimately* got a character to 200. I've had a bunch of characters get past 100 before I lost interest and stopped playing. And after getting to 199 earlier in the summer I figured it was time to reach the coveted max level at...
  6. JackSalad

    Whats you’re favorite level?

    It's hard to really pick an all time fave, but at the time of this post I voted for Seabed. My favorite aesthetic is usually the gritty, industrial environments. The music is superb, the monsters are cool, and as someone who is nostalgic for the GC game, the Seabed will always feel like the...
  7. JackSalad

    Ephinea 8th Anniversary Summary

    Total Experience Points/Levels Gained: Dunno the exact amount but I got 2 characters into ultimate in just under 2 days, and got mu HUnewearl up to 186 Best Find: Red Ring, but I need to shout out to the quick Ignition Cloak grind thanks to the combination Rare Monster+RDR. Best Upgrade: Red...
  8. JackSalad

    Anniversary event extension until September 5th, 2023 (アニバーサリーイベント延長のお知らせ )

    Does the Anniversary Badge Shop quest stay available after the event the same way the Halloween cookie quests do, or do we need to spend our badges before the event ends?
  9. JackSalad

    Playing a Force.

    I don't know if it's much help, but I believe some folks use things like Joy2Key so they can have buttons mapped to opening the technique menu, which I think is F3 on keyboard. You could also map a tech or two from the 1~0 bar and map that to the triggers or clicking the sticks, which I don't...
  10. JackSalad

    Game update v1483 released (ゲームアップデート v1483)

    I haven't played with Anguish enough to really comment on how it's handled, but I appreciate making it more then just inflating enemy stats. It makes it feel like a real difficulty adjustment, kind of like how some enemies and bosses change from Very Hard to Ultimate I think some changes to...
  11. JackSalad

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Didn't get a screencap in time, but finally got my hands on my first Red Ring. @Harborer of Hope was there, even!
  12. JackSalad

    Baranz Launcher MEGATHREAD

    From an amateur's point of view, I'll give my review of the Baranz Launcher. It comes from an enemy that: Shoots a bazillion missiles at once Shoots missiles that do not and cannot miss, can only be outranged. They track their target until they explode Is blue Now, the weapon itself: Shoots 4...
  13. JackSalad

    So, it seems like the FOmar is... kind of terrible at everything?

    Funnily enough the whole reason I didn't play FOnewms on GC, aside from being unaware of the tech boosts and stats, was because I thought they looked ludicrous with their weird platform boots, tights, shirts that make them look like they have huge butts, and the collection of silly clown hats to...
  14. JackSalad

    Server maintenance complete for April 30th, 2023 (4/30 サーバメンテナンス完了)

    Bold move to change one thing that nerfs the game in order to keep it in line with the original version, while also changing the way a sort of 'joke' weapon works from the original to make it viable. Not complaining because I always liked the way Galatine looks, good to see it be sort of viable...
  15. JackSalad

    So, it seems like the FOmar is... kind of terrible at everything?

    I don't have any real experience with late game FOmar, but I played him a casually back in the Gamecube days and nowadays I play FOnewm. I imagine he has the similar problems, though. Until you get better gear and higher levels, you're just going through the S/D + J/Z motions while flicking...