Recent content by Hollywood07

  1. Hollywood07

    NDW's Trade List

    How much for the Pioneer Parts?
  2. Hollywood07

    Jukebox song requests

  3. Hollywood07

    Questions on MAGs (a lot of questions...)

    1. Once your mag has three photon blasts, it will always have those blasts. There is no overwriting. 2. If your mag is level 50+, it will evolve accordingly every five levels depending on your class and section ID. (level 100, 105, 110, etc.) 3. Rare mags will never evolve once they have become...
  4. Hollywood07

    Looking for members or to join a team

    I'm looking for a team!
  5. Hollywood07

    What's the story behind your name?

    Top Gun. Been using this username for a stupidly long time. :cool:
  6. Hollywood07

    Sunshine's Sales and Giveaways!

    Not sure how often you're on but I'm now. Just shoot me a PM whenever you're available. Thanks! :)
  7. Hollywood07

    Jukebox song requests

  8. Hollywood07

    Sunshine's Sales and Giveaways!

    Oh snap. Can I have these if you still have them? Guardian Armor (lv.75) Ultimate Frame (Lv.80)
  9. Hollywood07

    items stats

    My hopes and dreams have been destroyed. :(
  10. Hollywood07

    items stats

    Sooo L&K38 is combo locked, then?