Recent content by Captt

  1. C

    B>Charge Vulcan

    how much? and whats the hit %?
  2. C

    B>Charge Vulcan

    title :)
  3. C


    Awesome thank you
  4. C


    Anyone selling a force mag? if so how much PD and what is the best section ID for force?
  5. C

    Bad damage at 106

    I have a good mag; a sato. I think the stats are 5/150/45/0
  6. C

    Bad damage at 106

    How much for god/power? I have 2 god arm, one devil battle and one god luck right now...
  7. C

    Bad damage at 106

    So i recently hit 106 but i still do like less than 100 damage to the enemies in forest, what am i doing wrong lol
  8. C

    Saving login info

    Thank you so much
  9. C

    Saving login info

    Hey Friends, Any way to save your log-in info so you dont have to keep putting in the username/password everytime? super thank you in advance.
  10. C

    2 players on same computer?

    Awesome thank you so much. DO you know the command to run multiple versions of the game?
  11. C

    2 players on same computer?

    Awesome i'll try that. Question, do you know the command to run multiple clients of the game? And also is it possible for both of us to use the game pad?
  12. C

    2 players on same computer?

    Hi friends. I know its possible to run multiple clients of the game but is it possible to have 2 players playing from the same machine?