Recent content by Bojac

  1. Bojac

    B>Lavis series weapon, variable hit [DONE]

    Wow, what a hunt. This is incredible.
  2. Bojac

    A> VJAYA [0/40/0/0/70h] CHB: 900 Closed!

    Hell yeah I'm glad you didn't break it. Good luck here.
  3. Bojac

    Not April Fools Lottery

    He he heee lot 9 this is so cool, good job. How fun! I was almost alseep, now I'm smiling.
  4. Bojac

    PSO and PSO Community Appreciation Thread

    I love you. I've always loved you. Leme beta test the focast. This is probably the most wholesome community I've ever been a part of. It feels like all but one of us are genuinely appreciative of the situation and so happy to be able to play this game at all. Thank you for giving me the chance...
  5. Bojac

    B> Baranz Laucher +/+/+/+/50 Hit

    This is funny as hell in hindsight
  6. Bojac

    Valentines Competition, win a red ring!

    Here's Thanatossa's post (wow this thing is massive)
  7. Bojac

    Valentines Competition, win a red ring!

    This was fun
  8. Bojac

    Click's Cavern [2/8/2024 @12:59AM PST]

    That db saber having -5 ab% makes me wonder if you're tekking properly. Hmu on discord if you wanna talk about that. Those 30h dobs aren't a bad find. 70h gungnir is coooool The 50h charge arms are probably a pd but I'd keep them or trade them for one with some native % on it. Find one above...
  9. Bojac

    Click's Cavern [2/8/2024 @12:59AM PST]

    Good little hoard you got started
  10. Bojac

    PDA> Red Ring (71/85 2/25) [Closed]

    Current Highest Bidder (CHB): Horigo with 150PD Minimum bid: 90PD Countdown: 72hrs Congratulations to @horigo for the winning bid of 150PD