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  1. Aubright

    Shameful HUD help hours

    So, I'm a little conflicted. Earlier in the Shoutbox I was saying how a cool idea would be to have a HUD similar to those seen in the KH games, I mentioned it there and it seemed people really liked the idea, but there now exists the problem of not being talented enough to actually make it...
  2. Aubright

    Best Girl/Guy Thread

    This should be a little self-explanatory. Post your favorite cute girls and boys here! Just as long as it's not weird or creepy, just anime, video game, etc characters and no IRL people as that's kinda stalker-ish. I'll start with RASIS from Sound Voltex!
  3. Aubright

    SEGA also makes killer rhythm games, have you played any of them?

    So just like Konami and Taito, SEGA has their own fair share of rhythm games for arcades! I'd like to know some of your experiences, whether it be CHUNITHM, MaiMai, Wacca, or some other rhythm game I can't remember by SEGA! Or if you never played them maybe we can shed some light on the untapped...
  4. Aubright

    Big News for Chuggaaconroy fans!

    If you've been a long-time fan of Chuggaaconroy, then you may know what I'm talking about, and if you don't, let me tell you what I'm talking about. On March 28, 2008--ten years ago--Emile Rosales, AKA Chuggaaconroy, made his first ever playthrough, with Earthbound for the SNES. Chuggaaconroy...
  5. Aubright

    Odd Tech I Found Over the Time Playing

    EDIT: Apparently I was wrong, you have to make sure only items are in your quick menu. So I found some neat tech that could probably help with controlling your character during fights. So if you hold ctrl while near an enemy, you can move freely as though you’re out of battle. I thought I’d...
  6. Aubright

    Optional Ability to Disable Leveling Up

    So I was leveling a fresh new character and I remembered how Kingdom Hearts had that EXP Zero skill that disabled leveling up. Then I thought, "What if you could do a level 1 challenge in this game too?" So now here I am. The idea is that if you start a brand new character you can use a command...
  7. Aubright

    Rhythm Revolution

    Hey! Hey! Hey-hey! Are you new? Do you want some meatshields/friends to join you? Do you not know what you’re doing? If you’ve answered any of these questions, Rhythm Revolution is for you! Pros: New player that hasn’t even unlocked hard mode is the leader. Cons What cons? PM me to join...
  8. Aubright


    Hi. I came here a while back. Not sure what to put here so I'll just say this. egg.