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  1. Knowl

    WoW Classic

  2. Knowl

    "High stress" gameplay and solutions.

    i couldn't care less what the fuck you think of me. your ideas need to be challenged because they so regularly turn out to be self-serving, short-sighted garbage, as I hope this thread has demonstrated to you for the umpteenth time. people aren't deliberately misunderstanding you, people aren't...
  3. Knowl

    "High stress" gameplay and solutions.

    i'm not missing the point at all. you don't have to do anything for the DF user, if you're not trying to play the meta. stop being so rude to me for challenging your points.
  4. Knowl

    "High stress" gameplay and solutions.

    comparing a character in a fighting game to an endgame item in an RPG is pretty inaccurate i'm afraid. one is busted from hour 0, while the other is locked behind a whole game. where your comparison is accurate, though, is that meta knight only had real implications for the competitive smash...
  5. Knowl

    "High stress" gameplay and solutions.

    'high stress' gameplay isn't inherently a problem because you don't like it, i'm afraid. to go back to Bloodborne, plenty of people think it's one of the greatest games ever made, not just in spite of the sometimes ridiculous difficulty but because of it. just because it's too hard for you...
  6. Knowl

    "High stress" gameplay and solutions.

    this sounds like a player problem not a game problem boys. play with people who resta if you want resta, play with people who DF if you want DF. pack it up, next
  7. Knowl

    Team Monolith

    sup squad I'm looking for some people to play with for the next few months, as I've not really played much in a long while - I've played with a few of u guys in the past and had some positive experiences so hit me up if I'm welcome. chur xoxo
  8. Knowl


  9. Knowl

    Open Beta Test: Maximum Attack 4th Stage -R- Series

    Yo this is sick. Nice one Matt
  10. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    i'm not saying you're bad at all? i've never played with you how would i know. i'm saying that you're clearly not going to play at the level the TA guys would, under pressure, as you say yourself, and that that's actually not a problem. you found your level, good on ya. stop shitting on people...
  11. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    its ok if u dont want to spend ur free time getting good at a game that you like. loads of people don't, it's cool. just don't be surprised when people who do play that way don't want to play with u and are irritated when they have to (and believe me, they wouldn't if they felt like there was...
  12. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    no sorry fucking hell this is the best troll of all time, this guy just equated wanting to be good at videogames to concentration camps LMAO mods please!
  13. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    agreed. if only i could read your mind old bean, but i'll just have to make the assumption, based on my past experience of course, that you're off your rocker
  14. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    textbook assumption mate
  15. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    don't make assumptions, dick
  16. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    speak to a therapist
  17. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    There’s more to life than video games. If you’re feeling like this and you really can’t see the wider context, you probably need to be doing something else with your time. It’s not Spider-Man’s fault you play that way, it’s not PSO’s fault that you play that way, it’s not a symptom of gaming at...
  18. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like lads SWOLEcast
  19. Knowl

    Hucast Master Race

    way to trash a perfectly dank meme thread adeyboy
  20. Knowl

    post-200 section ID & name changes

    unlockable costumes for lvl 200 when