Search results

  1. dewdadash

    B>Gold and Silver Badges, 1:1pd and 10:1pd

    Hello, as title says buying as many gold and silver badges as possible I'll pay 1pd for every gold badge I'll pay 1pd for every 10 silver badges you can message me on discord too, @dewdadash
  2. dewdadash

    [DONE] A> Megid 30

    Reserve: 40pds Buyout: 80pds Countdown: 72 hr Reset: 24 hr
  3. dewdadash

    B>45 Gold Badges for 45 PDs

    Hello, buying gold badges 1:1, need 14 gold badges, anything helps, ty :)
  4. dewdadash

    [DONE] A> DF Shield 81/85dfp 13/25evp (high def)

    Hello, Auctioning a high defense DF shield Reserve: 30pds Buyout: 80pds Countdown: 72 hr Reset: 24 hr Due to no bids I sold this privately for 30pds.
  5. dewdadash

    [DONE] A> Diska of Braveman (DoB) [0/15/0/0|60]

    Reserve: 500 PDs Buyout: 800 PDs Countdown: 72Hours Resets: 24Hours. May be interested in items, feel free to ask. Items of personal interest are: 40h+ Frozen Shooter 50h+ Spread Needle 70h+ vise or 70h+ berserk vulcan pwand S-rank hell needle S-rank berserk needle S-rank hell launcher S-rank...
  6. dewdadash

    B>50 Halloween cookies, 4pds each.

    Buying 50 cookies, will pay 4pds each. Possibly will buy more than 50 cookies if you have many in bulk, just need to sell things off, but 50 or so is good for now.
  7. dewdadash

    B>x99 Disk. Vol. 18 Puyo Puyo

    Buying all the puyo puyo disks to make my hunts more bearable :) Think the rate is 25k meseta each. can also trade for mats that sit in my bank if ud prefer that.
  8. dewdadash

    B>PS for 95pds

    Buying Photon Sphere for 95pds
  9. dewdadash

    A>0/25/0/0/35 SoF (Slicer of Fanatic)

    Auctioning a 35h sof with 25ab Reserve starts at 45PDs: Wants: PDs Sphere PH 60h hell raygun Gold Badges as 1pd each 72hr countdown starts once someone bids with 24 hour resets during the last 24 hours if someone outbids.
  10. dewdadash

    A> Lame d' Argent 0/0/0/0/20h

    Auctioning a Lame d' Argent that is 20h clean. Reserve starts at 75pds. Accepting PS, pds, gold badges at 1pd and 10silver as a pd. 72 hour countdown once reserve is reached, with 24 hour resets when someone outbids during the final 24 hour countdown. Ultra+ chb with 75pds.
  11. dewdadash

    B>Gold Badges 10:11/5:6

    As title says, 10gbs:11pds, 5gbs:6pds 10silver:1pd
  12. dewdadash


    Buying pgf Can reach me at my discord DewDaDash#6603 for quicker trade
  13. dewdadash

    A>Red Sword 0/0/0/0/40

    Hello, I am selling a 0/0/0/0/40h Red Sword. Reserve price is 30PDs. Auction starts once reserve is met with 72h hour countdown. Wants are: PDs v101(25PDs) v502(30PDs) Adept(30PDs)
  14. dewdadash

    Mini Sale

    Selling a few useful items: LK38 Combat [Burning] [15/0/20/0|25] 20PDs Frozen Shooter +9 [0/25/0/25|30] 20PDs Gizonde lv30 99PDs Megid lv30 99PDs Luck Mats 2:1PDs Power/Mind Materials 10:1PD H/Mind 1PD H/Battle 2 PDs
  15. dewdadash

    S>megid lv30 for x99pds

    Selling megid lv 30 for 99 pds
  16. dewdadash

    S> Gizonde lv30 for x99pds

    Selling a Gizonde lv 30 for 99PDs
  17. dewdadash

    A>0/0/0/0/30 Frozen Shooter[CHB 15PDs]

    Selling a 30h clean Frozen Shooter Reserve bid: 15PDs 24 hour count down after initial bid
  18. dewdadash

    B>0/0/100/100/50 Baranz Launcher for 650PDs

    B>0/0/100/100/50 Baranz Launcher for 650PDs(all my liquid).
  19. dewdadash

    S>Holy Ray 0/0/0/0/50 110pds

    Selling 50h holy ray for 110PDs edit: Updated with a new discount. First come first serve.
  20. dewdadash

    B>n/ab or m/d Baranz Launcher

    Hello, I am wondering if anyone is selling Baranz Launcher with 50h. I am looking for 2 Baranz Launcher with x/x/0/0/50 or 0/0/x/x/50. Perhaps someone might have left overs from the 18' xmas event with 0/0/0/0/50 or maybe someone has given up sphering their BL with x/x/0/0/50 or 0/0/x/x/50 BL...